Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seat belt Bags

Lots of visitors today. My parents came over after they went shopping, since they were in the area. They gave the girls cookies, that ended up all over their faces, which then led to a shortage of milk. We danced around the living room for about an hour trying to tire them out so they would nap... They did. :) After lunch, my in-laws stopped by to give me my birthday present... a Seat Belt Bag. It is AWESOME!!! The outside is woven seat belts, and the inside is a very strong durable fabric. Right away, I moved everything from my other bags to this one. Cant wait to show it off to my friends...After everyone left, I went upstairs to attempt to close my eyes.... Taylor had a different idea. She wanted to talk and to kick her legs, so I turned the lights on to play with her. Of course, when she decided she had enough and wanted to sleep, Abigail and Joanna woke from their naps. I popped in a Baby Einstein DVD and came downstairs to figure out dinner. Only to be distracted by the computer and post a blog.... Ian wont be home until after dinner tonight because he is speaking in Oakland to a MS Support Group. Wish him luck! Well, its off to the kitchen for me. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. The bag is so chic!!! On Project Runway once, there was a challenge where the designers had to make garments out of car parts. And one of the designers made a COAT out of seatbelts =) It was so beautiful! So I am LOVING this bag you have here =)
