Monday, today, I spent most of the day trying to re-organize the house. Yesterday we moved Joanna's crib into the other room and gave Abigail and Joanna their own rooms. (We will move Taylor into Joanna's room once she stops waking up at5am) Anyway, I left the girls to play in Joanna's room, as I did A TON of laundry (7 loads total today). I placed a baby gate at the top of the stairs so that they would be able to walk from room to room, but Abigail likes to close doors, so they were mainly in Joanna's room playing. As I was placing towels in the hall closet, I heard the banging on the door to get out (we have a baby door nob cover on the inside). I heard them both say "UH,OH" and then Abigail peaked out the door. When she saw me, she said, "I'm VERY sorry mommy, I didn't mean to break the door". As I entered the room to see exactly what she meant, I heard her say, "HERE Joanna" Joanna was holding the 2 pieces of the door nob cover in her hands.This evening after dinner, Ian gave the girls a bath and then had run out for a while. I was left to tuck the girls into bed. Joanna went down nicely, but Abigail wanted me to read her a story. Unfortunately, all the books were in the cabinet which is located in Joanna's room. I decided to make up a story. I began telling her a story of a little princess named Abigail, who was going to have a birthday party (her eyes lit up) I told her of the many balloon the princess was going to have and all the birthday gifts....but when I finished telling of the birthday party, and began to tell the rest of the story,she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, just read from a book!" I guess she didn't like my story... We prayed and then I tucked her into bed. Next time, I am going to have to bring a book with me when I tuck her into bed.
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