Why is it that one day your kids are like little angels, and the next they are completely different. Today, the girls slept in until 10am...usually they wake around 7am. I thought that they would be well rested and play well together, but I was wrong. They must know when I am not my usual self. Today, I woke up with a lot of back pain again. It was getting better for a while. I think it was about 5 days where I was able to stand straight and get back to doing my normal duties around the house, but not today. I could barely get myself out of bed. Taylor of course exploded through her diaper, and I had to not only clean her, but also take EVERYTHING off the bed. Thank goodness for plastic mattress covers. I then had to lift Joanna out of her crib, which is not as easy as it sounds when you have extreme pain in your lower back. When I put her down, she started to SCREAM, not cry...she wanted me to carry her. I cant! I hate the feeling I had, knowing she just "wanted her mommy" and I was unable to provide that for her. I tried to sit on the floor with her, and that worked for a while, until I had to get Abigail out of her room. Joanna screamed again, as I walked away from her to get Abigail. We went downstairs for breakfast, which there really wasn't any, because we need to go MAJOR grocery shopping. So I divided up some yogurt for them to share. I left the room for maybe 3 minutes to change Taylor's diaper again, only to come back and see Joanna WEARING the yogurt. Oh, they joys of having toddlers. Once again, I had clean up duty. Crawling on the floor, scrubbing yogurt from the carpet. The past few days, I have been trying to get our house back in order. While I was out of commission, due to my back, Ian has taken up the responsibility to clean house and do laundry... I think I would have rather hired someone. I know he means well, but he doesn't realize there are reasons behind doing things the way I do them. When Brett left last Friday, we moved Joanna into his room. We are just now moving clothes from one closet to the other. Of course, the girls somehow know I have things I want to do, and they seem to always act up more when I try to get things done. I THOUGHT with them sleeping in this morning, that I would be able to get things done, and they would be little angels for me, but I was wrong. I put them upstairs for their afternoon nap EARLY! Usually they will go down around 2 or 3, but today I put them to bed at 12:45pm. I know people say "kids go to bed when the parents are tired" that's because usually the parents are tired of all the fussing and the wining. There is no need for fussing. I HATE fussing, and I wont tolerate it!!! They fuss, and they go to bed. I don't care if they go to sleep or not. Most of the time, they do, but if not, then at least they had a little time out, and so have I.
Cant believe its only 1pm, and I am already ready for this day to be over. I think I am going to lay down and try to give my back a rest....advise for all you soon-to-be-mothers I know....DON'T have more than one...and if you do, wait 5 years. Having 3 under 3 is a nightmare. I'm really hoping that when they get older things will get easier, but right now, I just want to rip my hair out (which by the way is turning white...I'm 26, I shouldn't have white hair yet.) The joys of motherhood.
I've read more than a few of your posts during my visit with you and this one is my most favorite (smile). So true, so true...the joys of Motherhood. Thanks for sharing the REALITY of being a Mother. Have a joyful weekend in Motherhood!