A gorgeous, sunny day here today. The girls woke up full of energy!
Defiantly back to feeling normal. We played in their room all morning, and I was even able to sort/fold some clothes, a task not so easy to do when Joanna is around (she likes to unfold and move them...sometimes even try them on..) When Ian came home, we all sat down for lunch...yummy
perogies! We then got our shoes on and went for a walk around the neighborhood. Funny how we went out and bought a double stroller when Joanna was born, but now that both Joanna and Abigail are able to walk, we
don't need it. I was pushing Taylor in it today and was thinking "why do we have this?" Last week, I was thinking now that Taylor is getting too big for her
car seat, we can sell the
car seat/stroller combo. But now,
I'm wondering if we should? Maybe we could sell both strollers and get a single. Id hate to keep the combo when we are not using the
car seat. But then again, we have held on to it this long, whats another year.....Then I think we still might need the double for when we go to the zoo or some place where there is lots of walking and someone may get tired (I wish someone would push me when I get tired) What to do, what to do....
After our walk, we quickly scrambled to the back porch to wave to daddy as he headed back to work. Then it was upstairs for afternoon naps.....got to love nap time. I especially love it when ALL three take them at the same time. Most of the time, I can get 2 out of 3 down....today, I was lucky and 3 went down. Finally, some time for myself, and what a perfect day for it too. I grabbed the laptop and headed to the back porch to sit on the swing and enjoy some fresh air. Occasionally our neighbor came out for a smoke, but I took that time to run in and check on the girls. They look so precious when they are sleeping. Who knows, maybe after dinner we can enjoy more of this great weather and play in the driveway. I'm sure the girls will be happy to see their sidewalk chalk again.
Well, I'm off to do some house cleaning, please enjoy these photos of the girls I'm attaching. They are from the other day at dinner....and as always....Until next time.
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