So for the past few days, Abigail and Joanna has come down with some sort of stomach virus. They have been so snugly. I feel so bad for them. They haven't been able to keep ANYTHING down. We've tried the Pedialite and only had to clean grape smelling stains from the floor. I was hoping I would not catch it, but was not so lucky. Friday night I got chilled and after getting out of the tub, I felt horrible. I ended up sleeping on the couch, because my back pain was so bad that I couldn't move, not even crawl. Ian basically had to carry me to the couch. I felt helpless. The next day (yesterday) I ended up throwing up, which only made the back pain worse. I screamed the entire time. But luckily, I'm feeling 70% better today. I'm still very hot and VERY weak. If I stand, I get very dizzy. The girls seemed to be doing better yesterday, being able to hold down water and some bread. Unfortunately, this morning, they both threw up and have been lying on the couch all morning. Depending on the weather, I want to air-out the house, because the last thing we need is for Ian to get sick. Things have been going well for the office (except that his printer/fax er broke due to a generic toner) That's about the only "good" that going on in our lives. Last week, my cell phone died, our vans transmission died which is going to cost money which we don't have, and due to everything going wrong, Ian has been extremely stressed dealing with us sick girls. I'm hoping things are better by tomorrow because Ian will be gone ALL day, and wont be able to help out. His parents came by the other day to help out a little (tons of laundry) but Id hate for them to get sick by coming over. Well, I think I'm going to close my eyes for a little.
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