It feels better getting all of this out there... I would NEVER be able to say any of that stuff in person. I would probably just smile, and say, "
I'M FINE", or "
I'M OK". I really
don't know why I wrote it either. And its not like
I'm wanting everyone to feel sorry for me, or to come up with the solution. I just really needed it to be said (or written) to get some stress release. I
don't want you to think my parents
don't care either... they do, they just cant help physically, they have their own things to do, and cant just stop to help me. I remember when I got into an accident a few years back. I was making a sharp bend, and an oncoming car was too far into my lane, as I turned my wheel to get out of the way, I hit a telephone poll. Now my mother
didn't know any of this when I called her, but the first thing she said when I told her I was "in an accident" was "I CANT COME GET YOU" I know she
didn't mean it that way, but at the time, I thought, "how heartless, you
don't even know if
I'm hurt" but I know that if I really needed her to, she would have. The day I found out I was going to have a c-section with Abigail, I was on the phone with her telling her it was going to be the next morning, and before I got off the phone, my parents were packing to make the 12 hour drive to Iowa.... they arrived within an hour of the surgery...they drove ALL NIGHT just to be with me. As much as I want them to help, I know they cant. All they can do, is give their advice, and they do, but unfortunately, their views are against chiropractic, they just
don't understand it. As with many others. "I"
don't fully understand it myself...but I know enough to at least TRY it before getting some doctor to prescribe a pain medication. Pain medication that is only going to cover up the symptoms. The problem is still there. Whats going to happen?
I'm going to be on pain
meds for the rest of my life.... I
don't think so. Then they would prescribe me more
meds for the problems Id receive from the side effects of the pain
meds.. Id be a walking around like every other American out there with 20 prescription drugs in their purse. Sorry, not me.. And surgery, like I said before, its NOT an option.
OK, OK, I think
that's enough from me..
I'm getting worked up over here. This was
supposed to be a stress release. I think
Im going to call Ian and see when he is getting home. Maybe we can get the girls outside a bit to enjoy this nice weather. I feel bad for them....with the way my back has been, they've been cooped up indoors. ...."Until Next Time"