Well, its that time of year, when we dare to go through boxes that have been stored away, hoping to find something that you can get rid of... Next month, I start packing. I want to have everything in its place and get rid of all the junk...yet, when I go through items we have stored away, I cant get rid of anything. I'm hoping to find a spot for them in our new home, yet if I liked them that much, how come I haven't displayed them in this one? There is a ton of Ian's things stored away. Id really like to just put all his boxes in his closet, so that our tower of things stored doesn't look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. My goal is to go through everything, get rid of what I can and part with things I haven't used or displayed in the past year.
Abigail had spent the night at my parents house, so I used the extra time I had in the morning to clean the carpets. When she came home, she said "Mommy, my feet are ALL WET!" funny, because when Ian came home for lunch, he said the same thing. It didn't last long, because during lunch, Joanna decided to throw her spaghetti on the floor....
House search continues. We saw two more this morning on Craigslist that we are going to check out. I know Ian would like to find a place a little closer to the office, but to me, nothing is comparing to the one in Butler.

Easter was like all holidays, hectic. We woke up in the morning and scrambled to get everyone dressed, then quickly go downstairs for pictures and an Easter egg hunt, then out the door just in time for church. After church, we went to view the house in Connequenessing, but decided it was too small for our family. Then it was off to grandmas and papas. As we sat down to eat, my back started hurting. I tried to hold in my discomfort, but after about 30 minutes, I started to break. I wanted to leave the room so that no one would see me cry, but as I s
tood up, this sharp pain ran down into my legs. Ian helped me into the other room to lay down. Of course I couldn't fully relax because Taylor wanted to nurse. (there is always something that prevents me from having time to myself) When it was finally nap time for the girls, we headed home. My mother came over and she and I went out for a quick drive while Ian stayed with the girls and made dinner. Wish he could make dinner every night. It was nice not having to do anything for once.
Well, the girls are in bed taking a nap, so I'm going to use this free time to close my eyes a little before Taylor wakes up. Until next time.
Sorry to hear your back is still bothering you. :( Any news or improvements?