Wow, has it really been almost a week since my last post? Sorry, to those of you following my blog like a soap opera story. Well, lets see....been pretty busy the past few days cleaning house, looking at houses to rent, and taking care of the girls. Ive cleaned out closets and then took pictures of all the girls clothing that I no longer need. I then posted them on craigslist to see if I can make some money selling them. That took quite a bit of my free time, since I had to sort them all by size then get a nice photo of them, thus, resulting in not much Internet time.
Still searching for a house to rent. We went and saw 4 this past weekend, although, none are coming even close to the one we saw in Butler. We took an application up to Butler this weekend to at least get the ball rolling on that one. They have to do a credit check before we know if we are even capable of getting the house. I'm sure our credit is fine, since last time we checked, it high...but that was before the business....well, I guess we will find out... Until we hear back from them, we will continue our search for something maybe a little closer to the office. If not, then Butler here we come.
The past few days have had nice weather, so we took the girls to the park a few times. They LOVE going there. I love it too, because they usually go to bed without a fight. Although, Abigail is now telling me... "Mommy, its dark outside...time to take a bath, and THEN night night." I'm glad she knows... although, what will I do when it starts to get dark LATER in the day?!?!?! :) Well, my youngest is letting me know that she is hungry....I'm surprised the windows have not shattered yet with her high squeals... Until next time!
Still searching for a house to rent. We went and saw 4 this past weekend, although, none are coming even close to the one we saw in Butler. We took an application up to Butler this weekend to at least get the ball rolling on that one. They have to do a credit check before we know if we are even capable of getting the house. I'm sure our credit is fine, since last time we checked, it high...but that was before the business....well, I guess we will find out... Until we hear back from them, we will continue our search for something maybe a little closer to the office. If not, then Butler here we come.
The past few days have had nice weather, so we took the girls to the park a few times. They LOVE going there. I love it too, because they usually go to bed without a fight. Although, Abigail is now telling me... "Mommy, its dark outside...time to take a bath, and THEN night night." I'm glad she knows... although, what will I do when it starts to get dark LATER in the day?!?!?! :) Well, my youngest is letting me know that she is hungry....I'm surprised the windows have not shattered yet with her high squeals... Until next time!
Hi Cristina! I really hope that you and Ian are able to get the house in Butler. I'm praying for you guys!!