Every morning, Ian places Taylor in our bed while he gets ready for work. She usually nurses and then is just the happiest baby in the world. She is full of laughs and coos. Well, yesterday as she was reaching her hands out to touch daddy's face, she said "DA,DA" It was so precious! She is the only one of the girls who said "DA DA" first. Abigail and Joanna both said "ma, ma"

as their first word. Taylor is getting so big. She is already in 12 month clothing, Joanna was wearing 12 month clothing 2 weeks ago...they were actually sharing clothes for a while. I couldn't believe it! I always thought Id be passing the clothes down, not having them share. Whats worse is the fact that my little girls are not so little anymore. Abigail is wanting to do EVERYTHING, "all by myself!" and Joanna is talking up a storm. I cant believe how many words she knows now. Everyone else may not be able to

understand all of them, but I sure do. The other day she was trying to tell Ian she had a dirty diaper, and he had no idea what she was saying. He called me into the room to be an interpreter. Taylor is rolling over like a champ, and is now starting to lift herself up to the crawling position. I'm really going to miss this. This morning, while Taylor was nursing, she would stop because she would smile at me. I remember when Abigail and Joanna would do that. It would be annoying at first but then it would make your heart melt.
We took the girls to the park yesterday.

There were 2 older girls there that took Abigail and Joanna around to all the slides and swings. I think they enjoyed playing with some other kids. They don't get to do that very often. Usually only at church on Sundays. Hopefully now that the weather is starting to get nicer, we can get them out to the park more often.
Aw, love this! Enjoy every moment if it!!!