My middle-child, Joanna, has decided that today she wasn't going to take a nap. I put her in her bed around 2pm. At 2:30pm I no longer heard her and Abigail talking, so I figured they were asleep...when I turned on the baby monitor, I heard her singing...very 3pm, she was still talking and making little noises, so I figured I would still leave her in the room, because maybe, she might fall 4pm she started to cry. I quickly went into the room to get her, so that she would not wake Abigail. (who by the way was sleeping with her butt up in the air....also very cute) Joanna raised her little arms for me to pick her up, and when I did, she wrapped her arms around me and said "Thank You!" I took her downstairs and gave her some water, then pulled out some crackers and peanut butter from the pantry. A very excited little girl again said "Thank You!"
We went into the living room where we sat on the couch for our snack. Now she has never had peanut butter on her crackers, so I just gave her a plain one, then made myself a cracker with peanut butter....her curious blue eyes quickly made contact with my cracker, so I let her have a bite...she smiled and with a mouth full of peanut butter she said "Thank You!" When she realized her cracker did NOT have peanut butter on it, she tried dipping it into the jar on the table. I helped her to spread some on her cracker, and again with the "Thank You!"s With EVERY little bite she took, she looked up at me and said "THANK YOU!"

Kids may drive you nuts every now and again, but they are the ones that will always make your heart melt just by saying something as little as the phrase "Thank You!"
Best story I have heard today!