Tomorrow will be my first day back to taking care of the girls myself. I dont feel ready for it at all.... I tried this morning, and could only do an hour. I had to call Ian and tell him I couldnt do it. He called his dad to come over and help. BAD thing is that tomorrow Im all alone because no one is able to come over, but the GOOD thing is that the other night, Ian brought our mattress down from the loft and placed it on the floor in the playroom.

Im going to bring a bunch of snacks and jug of water up from the kitchen, then the girls and I will hang out there the whole day. Ill have a supply of diapers so I could just change them on the bed, and not worry about standing up. (thats probably the worst part of my back hurting....trying to stand up) Its going to be an all day Slumber Party for us girls. Im not getting them or myself out of our pjs, and we are going to play, read books and do flash cards all day!
Ian is still not sure if he is going to go to Charlotte this weekend for a seminar, he wants to wait and see how I am doing first. With the way things are now, it doesnt look good, but things could change.... I hope they change. I dont know how much more pain I can take.
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