Saturday, February 28, 2009
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures...
Well, this weekend is going to be full of photos. I have some from our visit to Chuck-E-Cheese today and then tomorrow we will have some from Taylor's baby dedication, and then of Abigail's 3rd birthday party. Man, I love that I can update everything right here in the more posting here and uploading photos there....why didn't I do this earlier? Anyway, here are some photos from today... Abigail and Joanna LOVED it.
Making a Cake
So yesterday I woke up and started making Abigail's birthday cake. My mother-in-law came by to help out with decorating. It turned out AWESOME!!! Abigail is going to LOVE it! It was my first attempt to making a cake, so I went the easy route. I used cake mix from a box, and the icing from a tub. I had an idea of what I wanted the cake to look like, and as I was making it, I changed my mind....and for the better. It turned out WAY BETTER than what I thought it would. Here are some pictures.....
Well, Ill be sure to post again later. Right now, I have to get the girls ready to go to Chuck-E-Cheese.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Abigail is turning 3

Monday, February 23, 2009
Weekend in Charlotte

This weekend, I went to Charlotte, NC with Ian. He had a seminar to go to, and I went to see if someone could help with my back pain....feeling a little better.I am still in a lot of pain, but after getting adjusted, I was able to lie down for 15 minutes without being in pain (I am usually in CONSTANT pain) The 9 hour car ride home was not fun. I wasn't able to get in a comfortable position. When we finally arrived home, my mother-in-law stuck around to make us dinner. The girls were very happy to see us. Joanna wouldn't let go of me, and Abigail wrapped her arms around me, and said "I LOVE my mommy". I missed them so much, and it was nice to see they missed us too.
Today I am at home alone with them again, only this time, I'm not as prepared as the last time. Since we just came back from Charlotte yesterday, we haven't unpacked yet, and the house is a disaster. The girls are a little off since the past week or so has been so different. First we had family over helping out, then mommy and daddy left for a few days. Now that we are trying to get things back to "normal", they are acting up a little. Plus, I think they know that I am in pain, so they are able to get away with some things that they originally wouldn't. I don't know what I am going to do, because it has now been 4 weeks that I have been in pain. Ian is stressing because when he comes home from work, he no longer gets to relax as much, because he needs to help with the girls and make dinner.... I really need to get better soon!!!
Not sure what the plan is for the rest of the week. I guess we are just going to take things one day at a time.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Slumber Party
Tomorrow will be my first day back to taking care of the girls myself. I dont feel ready for it at all.... I tried this morning, and could only do an hour. I had to call Ian and tell him I couldnt do it. He called his dad to come over and help. BAD thing is that tomorrow Im all alone because no one is able to come over, but the GOOD thing is that the other night, Ian brought our mattress down from the loft and placed it on the floor in the playroom.
Im going to bring a bunch of snacks and jug of water up from the kitchen, then the girls and I will hang out there the whole day. Ill have a supply of diapers so I could just change them on the bed, and not worry about standing up. (thats probably the worst part of my back hurting....trying to stand up) Its going to be an all day Slumber Party for us girls. Im not getting them or myself out of our pjs, and we are going to play, read books and do flash cards all day!
Ian is still not sure if he is going to go to Charlotte this weekend for a seminar, he wants to wait and see how I am doing first. With the way things are now, it doesnt look good, but things could change.... I hope they change. I dont know how much more pain I can take.

Ian is still not sure if he is going to go to Charlotte this weekend for a seminar, he wants to wait and see how I am doing first. With the way things are now, it doesnt look good, but things could change.... I hope they change. I dont know how much more pain I can take.
Friday, February 13, 2009

Today, I woke up thinking my back ache was gone, only to sit up in bed and feel the excruciating pain run down my spine and into my leg. The pain has gotten worse with each day. Today, I cant stand up straight and cant walk without holding onto something. My legs began to shake, that I had to get down on the floor, and crawl to the couch. My mother-in-law came to the rescue. I dont know what I would have done today, if she hadnt have showed up. Ian thinks it could be a pinched disk, but cant do x-rays until tomorrow. My mother-in-law has got to go to work tonight, so Im not sure what I am going to do. Please continue praying for my back to heal....until next time.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thank You!
My middle-child, Joanna, has decided that today she wasn't going to take a nap. I put her in her bed around 2pm. At 2:30pm I no longer heard her and Abigail talking, so I figured they were asleep...when I turned on the baby monitor, I heard her singing...very 3pm, she was still talking and making little noises, so I figured I would still leave her in the room, because maybe, she might fall 4pm she started to cry. I quickly went into the room to get her, so that she would not wake Abigail. (who by the way was sleeping with her butt up in the air....also very cute) Joanna raised her little arms for me to pick her up, and when I did, she wrapped her arms around me and said "Thank You!" I took her downstairs and gave her some water, then pulled out some crackers and peanut butter from the pantry. A very excited little girl again said "Thank You!"
We went into the living room where we sat on the couch for our snack. Now she has never had peanut butter on her crackers, so I just gave her a plain one, then made myself a cracker with peanut butter....her curious blue eyes quickly made contact with my cracker, so I let her have a bite...she smiled and with a mouth full of peanut butter she said "Thank You!" When she realized her cracker did NOT have peanut butter on it, she tried dipping it into the jar on the table. I helped her to spread some on her cracker, and again with the "Thank You!"s With EVERY little bite she took, she looked up at me and said "THANK YOU!"

Kids may drive you nuts every now and again, but they are the ones that will always make your heart melt just by saying something as little as the phrase "Thank You!"
Bad Day.

Ever have one of those days where you want to just pack up and get away? The beach sounds great....wish I could go today....and it is only 9:45am. My day started out with me waking up feeling as though I were hit by a car.... for those of you who don't know, I hurt my back 2 weeks ago (not sure how) and it has only gotten worse. I am now at the point of not being able to lift things....not even my 5 month old. (But I HAVE I DEAL with the pain, no matter if I am crying as I lift her) Ive tried to rest, but having 3 kids under the age of three, doesn't really give you free time. Ian and Brett think it may be due to being pregnant for 3 years. I was constantly leaning back, compensating for my big belly, and now that the belly is gone, I'm standing more straight, changing things again. Still going in to the office as much as I can, although it is hard to find the time with the girls. Ian spoke with his parents to see if they could come over to help out today, so they should be arriving soon...
Added stress is the office.. A few months ago, Ian's business partner decided he wanted to go back to his home town. He has been trying to find someone to buy his share of the practice, but no buyers yet. Lots of stress is all I can say.....
Well, Ian's parents are on their way, so I'm going to go. Please pray for my back to heal.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Seat belt Bags
Lots of visitors today. My parents came over after they went shopping, since they were in the area. They gave the girls cookies, that ended up all over their faces, which then led to a shortage of milk. We danced around the living room for about an hour trying to tire them out so they would nap... They did. :) After lunch, my in-laws stopped by to give me my birthday present... a Seat Belt Bag.
It is AWESOME!!! The outside is woven seat belts, and the inside is a very strong durable fabric. Right away, I moved everything from my other bags to this one. Cant wait to show it off to my friends...After everyone left, I went upstairs to attempt to close my eyes.... Taylor had a different idea. She wanted to talk and to kick her legs, so I turned the lights on to play with her. Of course, when she decided she had enough and wanted to sleep, Abigail and Joanna woke from their naps. I popped in a Baby Einstein DVD and came downstairs to figure out dinner. Only to be distracted by the computer and post a blog.... Ian wont be home until after dinner tonight because he is speaking in Oakland to a MS Support Group. Wish him luck! Well, its off to the kitchen for me. Until next time.


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