So, its been FOREVER since my last entry. There have been so many times where I wanted to post, but then somehow got distracted. I guess having 3 kids under 4 does that to you. Its 5am on Sunday morning. I couldn't sleep due to a horrible headache and some shoulder pain. I gave in, and took some Tylenol. I tried lying back in bed, but the meds didn't kick in fast enough, so I decided to get a hot shower to try to loosen my shoulder muscles. Obviously, I haven't been able to fall back asleep. Good news is I finally have some free time to catch up on my blog. :)
Lets see, what has happened since my last post...... We have encountered a mold issue in our home. We noticed it in our garage when I went to get some things out of storage. I had to throw away some of our things because they were completely covered in mold. Our strollers were covered and a pain to clean. My picnic basket was furry (YUCK) and Abigail's bike was no loner pink. We turned on the heat in mid October and about that same time we noticed the girls got sick. They have not been able to get rid of a cough which is worse at night. I spoke with the daycare and they said no one is sick other than some runny noses. We think it may be mold in the vents, but when we asked our landlord to test for mold, they gave us the run around. We found a do it yourself mold test and placed it in the nursery by Taylor's crib....the test said to leave it open for an hour then put the lid on and let it sit for 48 hours.... little by little we began to see the mold. We sent in the sample to see exactly what type of mold it is and if it comes back harmful, I'm planning on moving. Ian wants to see what the landlord will do, but with the way they give us the run around, Id rather just find someplace else. We should get the result in about a week.
The office is doing great. I got everything organized, which makes things so much easier. Ian is amazed at how the office runs so much more smoothly. I found a HUGE mistake with insurance entries and had to delete then re-enter EVERYTHING. Glad that's over with! It took me over 2 months to get it all straighted out. We have changed a lot of things in the office, implementing an office tour and fine-tuning scripts. Its amazing how things have changed since June. It really was our fresh start.

I am still going in occasionally for Vax-D treatments for my back. I'm going about once every 3-4 weeks now and not sure how things will turn out. Its nearing the one year mark of when the pain all started. The Vax-D has helped drastically with the pain, but there are still those bad days where I am reminded of the excruciating pain. It makes me wonder if the Vax-D is in fact fixing the problem, or just pro-longing surgery. Lately, I have been having pain when I try to stand. It is almost as though things are reversing and I am going back to having more pain, more often. I try to watch what I do, but between taking care of the house, the kids and working at the office, it leaves little time to stop and relax. The other day we were all sick, and you would have thought a bomb went off in our house. I had the entire house SPOTLESS the day before, then WHAM, it looked like a battle zone. I told Ian I am in need of a vacation. I just want to get away for a few weeks so I can relax and take time for myself. I know this will never happen but where would we be without dreams? I guess I just have to accept things the way they are hope they get better.
Well, I am beginning to hear the sounds of the kids waking up. Time to start another day!
It's great to see an update from you guys! We sure miss you, and will be praying for all that you have going on in your lives. I heard a radio segment on mold once and there is a good blog about it at its a moms story about their mold problems and taking care of them. It has good tips for getting help too.