Taylor will be starting daycare on Monday. I'm glad she is going, but sad in a way as well. I liked having her at the office, smiling at the patients as they came in the door, but I know having her at daycare is better, and I'm sure Joanna will love having her there to play with. She is getting so big. She turns 10 months tomorrow. She started pulling herself up to stand in her crib....looks like it is time to lower it. Joanna will be turning 2 next month. She is talking so much more now. She is always asking, "whats that?" and when I tell her, she will try to repeat it. Its so cute. Abigail, is at the age where she is testing whether or not she can get away with things. I'm having a hard time staying in control because most of the time she does something wrong, I'm in the middle of dealing with Joanna or Taylor, and cant necessarily stop what I am doing to correct her. I recommend not having 3 kids within 3 years. It is very challenging at times.....but very rewarding as well. Like right now, Abigail and Joanna are upstairs taking their naps, and Taylor is crawling around on the floor putting everything she comes in contact with, in her mouth....including my toe. OUCH! Every now and again, she looks up at me, and grins so big, I can see all four teeth. Its adorable!!! I cant imagine life without my kids, but there are times, when I wish I could just send them away for a few years and then get them back when they are grown....But then I think, "How fun would that be"?
Well, I am going to use this time to crawl around on the floor with my almost 10 month old baby girl, so UNTIL NEXT TIME.